Sunday, December 22, 2013

Helpful Hints: Last Minute Gifts- No Mall Required!

Helpful Hints
Last Minute Gifts- No Mall Required!

We are in the home stretch of the holiday season.  If you are like me, this means tons of wrapping, baking, errand running, and Santa visits (ours ended with a major crying fit, and I have the photos to prove it…ahh, memories).  There is also likely to be at least one forgotten gift on your list, which may be anxiety inducing (I love to shop, but the thought of the mall on Christmas Eve makes me want to cry like my daughter on Santa’s lap, except my overpriced photo would not be nearly as adorable).

So with that in mind, I have come up with a list of a few chic and thoughtful gifts that you will be happy to give to your friends and family, with no mall (or Santa photo) required.  To make it even easier, all of these gifts take less than 5 minutes to pull together, with an accompanying idea if you can find a few more minutes in your packed schedule.

For your BFF:
Got 5 minutes?  Pick up a gift card to a local nail salon or spa.  Who doesn’t love to get their nails did?  I love a good mani-pedi, but I rarely have time to go.  When I have a gift card, it’s both an excuse to break my routine a little and a pampering treat.
Got 5 more minutes? You could do the usual, like package with a nail polish and file, but how about taking it a step further and planning a girls day so you can get mani-pedis together?  Package with a note or a simple calendar page highlighting the date of your spa get-together.

For your Pregnant Friend:
Got 5 minutes?  Throw together a basket of ingredients for simple “mocktail” (aka a non-alcoholic beverage that has the appearance of a regular cocktail).  Being pregnant at the holidays can be tough when all of your friends are imbibing and you can’t.  It’s nice to have a little faux cocktail to make it feel like a special occasion!  Plus, mocktail recipes are all over the internet so it is easy find a simple drink recipe (even if you aren’t a mixologist).  My favorite is a simple sparkling water and OJ concoction, which fizzes like a mimosa.  Friend more of a beer gal pre-pregnancy?  Try a craft root beer six pack!
Got 5 more minutes?  Add a couple of snacks from her current cravings list.  A mocktail and munchies?  Nom nom!

For your New Mom Friend:
Got 5 minutes?  Call a local cleaning agency and ask for a gift card.  Being a new mom can be stressful, especially at the holidays, and having help around the house may be better than anything Santa could fit in that sleigh.  Last Christmas, my daughter was just 4 months old and it was still hard keeping up with the everyday demands of a newborn (especially one who nursed every 90 minutes, yikes), let alone shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc!  Having someone come to clean my house so I could squeeze in a nap would have been priceless.
Got 5 more minutes?  While you are doing your holiday cooking, take a few minutes to make a freezer-ready meal to go with that gift card (maybe even send a little frozen cookie dough to bake up for dessert).  Having a clean house and dinner for your friend will definitely earn you a spot on Santa’s “Nice” list this year!

For Everyone
Got 5 minutes?  Write a simple note telling that person how much he or she means to you.  It sounds cheesy, but to many people it would mean more than anything that you could buy in a store.  No matter what, even if you know you are loved, it’s always nice to hear it…and really, doesn’t telling our family and friends how much they mean to us embody the holiday spirit?  It’s truly a gift from the heart.  Also, if you have older children this can be a great project for them for an older relative or a close family friend (and help to teach them a lesson that not all special gifts need to come from the mall).    
Got 5 more minutes?  This gift is wonderful on its own, but it’s easy to pick up some flowers, a poinsettia, or even a holiday wreath to send with your note. 

Have a wonderful holiday readers! 

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